Holiday Inn Pattaya marks 3rd anniversary


The Holiday Inn Pattaya marked its third anniversary with tradition and photos.

Top hotel executives hosted the Oct. 1 occasion by inviting nine monks from Nong Yai Temple to its Havana Bar & Restaurant to perform a blessing ceremony. Employees offered alms and presented them with dried food and basic necessities.

The monks blessed employees and the Brahman shrine used by workers on the hotel grounds. They then posed for photos with Sudachan Aprirattanapimonchai, director of finance & business support, and Darika Chaloeithoi, human relations director.

Sudachan Aprirattanapimonchai, Director of Finance & Business Support, leads employees to offer alms to monks at the Havana Bar & Restaurant.Sudachan Aprirattanapimonchai, Director of Finance & Business Support, leads employees to offer alms to monks at the Havana Bar & Restaurant.

Darika Chaloeithoi, human relations director, leads employees to offer necessities to monks at the Holiday Inn Pattaya.Darika Chaloeithoi, human relations director, leads employees to offer necessities to monks at the Holiday Inn Pattaya.

Nine monks from Nong Yai Temple perform a blessing ceremony to mark the anniversary.Nine monks from Nong Yai Temple perform a blessing ceremony to mark the anniversary.

Employees pay homage to the Brahman shrine they use on the hotel grounds.Employees pay homage to the Brahman shrine they use on the hotel grounds.