Pattaya Sports Club Fishing Reports


What a fantastic day we had on our June 2 trip!  Eight of us met at Khram Marine at 07:00 after a night of storms, rain and fierce winds wondering if the trip would be cancelled.  To the contrary, we set out on calm seas with overcast skies and had a terrific day’s fishing.

Although it was a little slow for the first hour or so, with a change of tides the fish started biting and we soon had good catches of larger than usual pla-daeng together with plentiful grouper, yellow tail and snapper.  The big grey cods were also around and six of us landed 2 each of these 2½ – 3 kilo beauties.  However, the best catch of the day was a 3 kilo plus grouper caught by Sollie.  The captain is pictured here with 2 of the greys.

The Captain holds up two greys caught on June 2. The Captain holds up two greys caught on June 2.

We all went home with bags of 10 kilos and over but John and Marnie were unlucky in not having any of the large greys in their haul.

On our departure the tide was at its lowest I have seen this year and we all had difficulty in descending the ladder to the boat.  Unfortunately, I did not have my camera handy when Marnie was making the descent.  Comments on my maneuvers were not complimentary either.

There’s little to say about our subsequent trip on June 7.  Definitely the least fish caught during the last 2 years.  One 3 kilo big grey cod caught by Sollie was the only large fish for  the day and most of us only had around 2 kilos each to take home – mainly pla-daeng.  As usual, Khun Daeng had a reasonable bag catch for the day.

The captain blamed flood waters from Northern Thailand flowing into the Gulf from the Chao Praya River in Bangkok and Bangpakong.  This may be the case as other reports say fishing will be poor until June 18, presumably awaiting the flood waters to abate.

Fortunately, the weather was great and the six of us were still in good spirits at the end of the day – even more so after our snacks and refreshments after docking at Khram Marine.

Next trips are on Saturday June 23 (this may be cancelled) and Thursday 28.