Over 60 aftershocks detected in Phuket


PHUKET, 20 April 2012  – The Meteorological Department said over 60 aftershocks have been detected in Phuket while local officials have installed earthquake detectors in three spots in Talang District. 

Residents in Talang District continue to report damage sustained by the earthquake and aftershocks. Over 100 people have filed the reports, which mostly involve cracks in their houses. Authorities will gather all of the complaints before forwarding it to the provincial administrative office to proceed with a repair process.

The Meteorological Department has so far reported over 60 aftershocks in Phuket after the 4.3-magnitude earthquake with the epicenter in Talang District rocked the province on April 16.

Meanwhile Phuket officials have installed three seismographs in the district, where the Khlong Marui fault lines pass through, to detect tremors.

An earthquake watch center has also been established to receive reports and inform people of emergency situations.