Graeme extends his form in Thailand


PSC golf from The Outback Golf Bar

Monday, March 5, Khao Kheow A & B – Stableford

Twenty-six Outbackers travelled to Khao Kheow for our normal Monday outing.  The course was well booked and all three nines were in play.  KK has unfortunately suffered some damage to greens on B and C nines with a disgruntled staff member pouring diesel on five of their greens but they are thankfully recovering quickly.

We played A and B, with all A’s greens flat and fast, the greens on B were the same for except for the damage to B3 and B7.  The course has been well watered and the fairways and tees were lush and well tended.  Pace of play was good with a smooth transition from A to B.

John Cogan (centre) with Tuesday’s scramble winners Dennis (left) & Martin (right).John Cogan (centre) with Tuesday’s scramble winners Dennis (left) & Martin (right).

Scores were generally poor, apart from the winners of both divisions who shot 38 points.  The winner of Division 2 (17+) was Paul Crijns on 38 points off his 19 handicap, from Graeme Crofts with 36 points off his 20 handicap, with Ken Holman on 35 points in third and fourth spot going to Andy Makara on 33.

Division 1 saw Graeme Holmes continue his love affair with Thailand golf with 38 points off his 9 handicap, from Laurie Rive with 34 points off his 16 handicap, ahead of Sel Wegner with 33 points on a count back from Ranay Singh also with 33.

There was only one 2 for the day and that went to Sel Wegner on Hole A3.

Div A (0-16)

1st Graham Holmes (9) 38pts

2nd Laurie Reve (16) 34pts

3rd Sel Wegner (15) 33pts

Div B (17+)

1st Paul Crijns (19) 38pts

2nd Graeme Crofts (20) 36pts

3rd Ken Holman (20) 35pts

Monday, March 5, Burapha – Stableford

Seven players on Burapha A & C today off the whites, we regret there is again no report today.

Div A (0-13)

1st Conor Doyle (12) 42pts

2nd Al Bryce (9) 40pts

3rd Dennis Pelly (11) 38pts

Div B (14-20)

1st Shane Crane (20) 37pts

2nd Bob Cannon (19) 35pts

3rd John O’Keefe (15) 34pts

Div C (21+)

1st Ricky Poe (30) 41pts

2nd Doug Douglas (21) 38pts

3rd Steve Croy (28) 33pts

Tuesday, March 6, Pattaya C.C. – Stableford

There have been many ‘fun’ golf days at Pattaya Country Club from the Outback Bar during the last few years and today there was another one – however this was tinged with a little sadness as it was the swansong of John Cogan who leaves Pattaya next month to return home.  In true ‘John’ fashion he generously sponsored the day, which was to be a ‘two person’ scramble.

(From left) Friday podium placers Bob Dibben, Tony McDough and Sel Wegner.(From left) Friday podium placers Bob Dibben, Tony McDough and Sel Wegner.

John hails from Cork in the ‘Emerald Isle’ where he spent his working life in farming, and to where he is returning with his two young children in order for them to be educated in Ireland.  That some 68 played today is a measure of his popularity and showed appreciation for the ever smiling John, who has lived in Pattaya for 6 years.

The organizing today was in the hands of the two Tuesday regulars, Chad and Nigel with help on the first tee from Neil Lavery.

So up to Pattaya Country Club and the first teams were away before time on a fine day for golfing.  Amongst the 68 were three working caddies and two former caddies – with some success.

Back in the clubhouse, Chad was busy translating the score cards to work out the leading groups – the top prize was donated by John and there were a further 8 places plus ‘2’s!

Upon return to the Outback the place was buzzing.  Among those present were the 3 caddies who played and a few others – including ‘Mumma’ – John’s long time caddy who is the mother of Bob Pearce’s caddy.

Time for the presentation, opened by Capt. Bob who after welcoming all informed us that this was to be his last day at the Outback and asked they all continued to support the bar and General Jack, who is taking it over 100%, after reaching an agreement to buy Bob’s half.

Regular Outback MC Nigel took over and said some words of appreciation to John Cogan, then announced the results:-

In place were Bob Pearce and Chantel with 65.0, taking second were Kevin Taylor and Lee Adderley 64.6, and the winners of John’s top prize went to Dennis Pelly and Martin Kingswood with 61.4.  Interesting to note these two signed up individually and were paired up by the organisers!

Finally Nigel handed John a book which had messages from today’s players and other friends.

Thursday, March 8, Eastern Star – Stableford

Forty Outbackers travelled to Eastern Star on an overcast and relatively cool day.  The course was well booked, but we hit off on time and credit to Eastern Star staff, their marshalls were on the course and talking to slow groups, so we all managed to complete the course in just over four hours.

The course itself was well presented with lush fairways and well grassed tees; but the greens were slow and the front nine have not fully recovered, with many patchy areas but the back nine had plenty of grass and overall the course continues to improve.

We had three divisions for the day and apart from three players the course was the winner, especially as the breeze picked up as the day wore on and it proved to be a tough day for most players – three shots tougher than par according to the computer results.

A belated welcome to all the TIAC boys, 22 of them, up here from Oz for their annual TIAC Cup which starts next Monday at Burapha, followed by Khao Kheow on Tuesday.  They didn’t all play with us today but a good few of them did, including Lumpy Lee and Graham Holmes and welcome back also to John & Lyn Foote.

Division C (22+) was won by Dave Collier with the best score of the day, 38 points off his 25 handicap from Paul Squibb (29) with 36 points on a count back from Liz Collier (22), with fourth place going to Murray Smith a long way back with 29.

Division B (16-21) was won by Tony Cooling (16) with 33 points from Fidge Button (16) on 32 points, with Ade Gurman (19) in third with 31 points and Barry McIntosh (21) rounded out the placings with 30 points, beating Graeme Crofts on a count back.

Unbelievably, division A (0-15) was won by Daryl White (15) with a mere 32 points from Tom Morris (15) with 31 points on a count back from Dave Thomson (14), with fourth place going to Lloyd Shuttleworth (6) with 30.

There were three ‘2’s from; Gavin Henderson, Shane Crane and Paul Squibb.

Div A (0-15)

1st Daryl White (15/Hi14.9) 32pts

2nd Tom Morris (15/Hi15.1) 31pts

3rd Dave Thomson (14/Hi13.4) 31pts

Div B (16-21)

1st Tony Cooling (16/Hi16.1) 33pts

2nd Fidge Button (16/Hi15.9) 32pts

3rd Abe Gurman (19/Hi18.5) 31pts

Div C (22+)

1st Collier Dave (25/Hi24.4) 38pts

2nd Paul Squibb (29/Hi27.5) 36pts

3rd Liz Collier (22/Hi21.2) 36pts

Friday, March 9, Green Valley – Stableford

A good turnout of 41 Outbackers here at Green Valley today, and although we were 15 minutes late teeing-off everything after that ran smoothly.

The course was in good condition and the greens were average, perhaps a little too average for poor Sugar Ray as he had a nightmare putting, not like the Sugarman that we know who always fancies himself as a bit of putter, especially round this course.

Birdie man, Tony McDonough, birdied the fifth and sixth holes but that wasn’t quite enough to give him the win, falling short by two shots to his good mate, Sel Wegner, who took division B with 37pts.

Bob Dibben won Div A on count back from the consistent Dennis Pelly, with a lower than usual score of 35pts, with Paul Bourke and Jim Brackett right behind on 34.

The equal top score of the day came in Div C from Greg LeBlanc, who is now on a bit of a run of form which has seen his handicap come down to 24 (from 26) and all this before the big tournament down in Hua Hin which starts Monday week (19th March) at Banyan.

The PSC’s Charity Classic is at Green Valley on the 16th so we move across to St Andrews for the same price as Green Valley but carts are compulsory and numbers are limited, so be quick to get your names down.

There were five ‘2’s from: Hole 4, Dennis Pelly; Hole 9, Martin Crichton and three on Hole 16; Paul Bourke, Sel Wegner & Noel Taylor.

Div A (0-11)

1st Dibben Bob (7/Hi8.2) 35pts

2nd Dennis Pelly (10/Hi11) 35pts

3rd Paul Bourke (7/Hi8) 34pts

Div B (12-17)

1st Sel Wegner (13/Hi13.6) 37pts

2nd Tony McDonough (13/Hi13.9) 35pts

3rd Martin Crichton (16/Hi15.9) 33pts

Div C (18+)

1st Greg LeBlanc (25/Hi24.4) 37pts

2nd Doug Douglas (22/Hi21.5) 36pts

3rd Greg Hill (18/Hi18.2) 34pts

The Outback Golf Bar is situated about 6km from Sukhumvit Road along Soi Siam Country.  All are welcome to come and join us for a beer and a hit.  Just call in and put your name down on the list.