Tourist Ministry to join related agencies in boosting tourist confidence


BANGKOK, 6 May 2013  The Tourism Ministry is planning to join all units involved in the travel industry to boost visitor confidence in Thailand, as part of its efforts to help the government achieve its target of 2.2-trillion visitors by 2015. 

Tourism Minister Somsak Pureesrisak said that the ministry has been gathering opinions about how to ensure foreign visitors of the country’s justice system in case of any damage or criminal encounter while traveling in Thailand.

Mr. Somsak said the thought-gathering, launched at all major tourist attractions, also involved the question about how to speed up court proceedings in order for affected tourists to see the end of the authorities’ efforts and go home without much delay.

So far, the minister conceded that there have been several ideas proposed by those who answered the survey, such as the longer hours of related officials, the setting up of a tourist section under the Courts of Justice and a tourist court.

He added that all details are yet to be looked at by both the secretariat of the Thai Courts of Justice and the Tourism Ministry before the issue is brought before the Cabinet for consideration.

Mr. Somsak went on to say that, in order to regain tourists’ confidence and Thailand’s reputation, the country is to, without further delay, make all visitors feel safe at all time. If succeeded, he believes the government’s ambition to see 2 trillion travelers visit Thailand in 2015 will be achieved without a hitch.