PBTA wants to be EEC hub

The Pattaya Business & Tourism Association wants to be Pattaya’s hub for the Eastern Economic Corridor.
The Pattaya Business & Tourism Association wants to be Pattaya’s hub for the Eastern Economic Corridor.

The Pattaya Business & Tourism Association wants to be Pattaya’s hub for the Eastern Economic Corridor.

Speaking at the group’s March 5 meeting at the Grand Bella Hotel, President Ekasit Ngampichet said the PBTA plans to increase its membership ranks with more hotels and tourist attractions this year.

The association will then place those companies in its database, which will be shared with the EEC. The PBTA then will act as an intermediary to help promote businesses, Ekasit said.

They said the group also would be surveying businesses to see which ones could be better developed and attract more tourists.