Chiang Rai welcomes more tourists as cold weather approaching


BANGKOK, 12 October 2014  Thai and foreign tourists swarm into the northern province of Chiang Rai as winter is about to arrive. There are musical performances and food fairs organized on the province’s main walking street to attract tourists.

Deputy mayor of the Chiang Rai municipality Bang-on Malidin said the municipality was preparing to organize the 11th flower fair and the 2015 Thin Thai Ngam beauty pageant this high season to stimulate the province’s tourism. There would be many more festivals and tourism events to take place in winter this year for tourists to enjoy, said Ms. Bag-on.

From 13-16 October, temperatures in Chiang Rai are expected to drop by 3-5 degrees Celsius, resulting in cold weather and strong winds. The lowest temperature is forecast to be 17-22 degrees Celsius.