Yala medical officials prepare for holy month of Ramadan


YALA, 23 June 2014,  -The Thai-Islamic Medical Association and the Ministry of Public Health have organized a seminar to prepare Yala medical officials for duty, as the holy month of Ramadan is just around the corner. 

The meeting has been held at Yala Hospital under the title of ‘Ramadan and Health’ in order for provincial medical personnel and related agents to be familiar with the concept of Ramadan and appropriate approaches to treating Muslim patients who fall ill during the fasting month.

Several topics were discussed during the seminar, including the importance of the fasting during the Ramadan, how to look after the health of those who participate in the fasting, the operation guidelines for medical officers tending patients during the period, and how to communicate with patients. More than 300 medical officials attended the event, which was held yesterday.

This year’s holy month of Ramadan starts on the evening of June 28th, and ends on the evening of July 28th.