Thailand and Japan discuss universal healthcare


BANGKOK,(NNT) – Thailand has struck up cooperation with Japan to develop sustainable universal healthcare and methods to accommodate its aging population.

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Minister of Public Health Dr. Piyasakol Sakolsathayadhorn has held a discussion with Japanese Minister for Health, Labor and Welfare Yasuhisa Shiozaki as part of a tour of Japan’s universal healthcare program. The meeting is part of a cooperative program between the ministry and other relevant agencies in Japan.

Dr. Piyasakol acknowledged Thailand and Japan’s long standing relationship as well as their individual health successes. He said the latest discussion was on how to make universal healthcare sustainable and let on both countries will share their experiences and aid each other in developing new health insurance practices. The work will extend from Thailand to all of ASEAN.

Both countries also plan to work on developing their capabilities in the field of world health, especially in terms of accommodating an aged society.