Rayong province dispatches mobile service to deal with immediate problems of local people


RAYONG, 20 March 2014 Rayong has started sending out special units comprising officials from different government departments to various districts to provide assistance to local people who are facing different kinds of hardship. 

Rayong’s Provincial Administration Organization, in cooperation with other related governmental agencies, has sent out mobile service units to provide local residents with necessary assistance, such as tuition fees for children, bags containing necessities, sports equipment, glasses, first aid, hair cutting, dental services, pet vaccination, and more.

These mobile units will be roaming around Rayong province to provide the stated services free of charge with an aim to relieve local people’s burden and reduce their time to be spent on travelling to government units for the service.

Governor of Rayong Vichit Chartphisit stated that the mobile units will also take this opportunity to take in reports of hardships locals are experiencing in order to be able to better allocate appropriate budgets to help residents in the future.