NSC chief: Southern peace negotiations to proceed


BANGKOK Sept 29 Tawin Pliensri, secretary-general of the National Security Council (NSC), has given assurances that negotiations to restore peace in Thailand’s southern border provinces will resume, saying Malaysia would continue to facilitate the process and that additonalmore concerned agencies would be involved.

Mr Tawin said that Thai authorities were ready to talk with all groups including the Barisan Revolusion National Malaya Patani (BRN) and Patani United Liberation Organization (PULO).

He pointed out that Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha had yet to appoint a head for Thailand’s peace negotiator team

The NSC only recommended officials and agencies who should join the peace negotiation team. Previously the team had not included all important organizations, and it should involve foreign affairs, military, intelligence and security authorities, Mr Tawin said.

According to the NSC chief, Thailand agreed with Malaysia’s role as facilitator of the peace negotiation, He said he had sent NSC staffs to prepare the next round of negotiations with Malaysian officials last Thursday.

“When the Thai prime minister visits Malaysia as the guest of the neighboring ASEAN country, there should be clear details on how negotiations should resume and who will head the negotiation team. We are ready to talk with all groups that have different stances from those of the state,” Mr Tawin said.

“The 3-4 past rounds of the negotiation in Malaysia in 2013 were open and were recognized by people inside and outside the region but there were many weak points, especially the lack of connection with policy-making units and participation by main organizations. This time weak points will be eliminated and guidelines will be carefully planned. It will begin with the creation of mutual trust. When there is mutual trust, that will lead to the reduction or end of violence. Then there will be joint efforts for perfect solutions,” Mr Tawin said.