NCPO satisfied with outcomes of “Return Happiness to the Thais” activities


BANGKOK, 16 June 2014 – The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) is content with the process and the results of activities held to promote peace and unity in the kingdom, while urging the public not to consume information on social networking sites. Talking about the overview of nationwide reconciliation activities, Deputy Spokesperson of the NCPO Col.

Winthai Suwaree said the NCPO was content with the procedures and the outcomes it had received thus far, as all sectors had been contributing to making good things happen.

Although curfew in all provinces have already been lifted, security personnel are still on alert on a 24-hour basis to ensure safety and order. As for the possibility of the re-imposition of curfew in certain areas, the decision would be made on case-by-case basis, he said.

The deputy spokesperson also advised that members of the public avoid overly consuming information on social media, as what they learn on the internet could be misleading and distorted.