NCPO orders illegal weapons to be surrendered


BANGKOK, 29 May 2014 – The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has declared that any individuals who have wartime weapons in their possession must turn in the items soon or face imprisonment of up to 20 years.

In its recent announcement, the NCPO ordered all possessors of armament, such as firearms, ammunition and explosives, to report themselves to local authorities and give up the illegal items by June 10. After having done so, the culprits would be given penalties stipulated by the Firearms, Ammunition, Explosive Articles, Fireworks and Imitation of Firearms Act 1947.

However, failure to surrender the weapons would result in more severe punishment, that is, a jail term of 2-20 years.

The announcement was made after the NCPO had raided the properties of several political activists and discovered and confiscated a large amount of heavy weaponry.