Ministry of Social Development and Human Security boosting its 6 month achievements


BANGKOK, 24 April 2015 -The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security has claimed it has been able to effectively address a number of social issues in the past 6 months, particularly human trafficking problems.

Social Development and Human Security Minister Police General Adul Saengsingkeaw said his ministry has made great achievements under the direction of the government’s policy, which is aimed at reducing social inequality.

In terms of anti-human trafficking efforts, the Ministry has successfully rescued Thai fishermen falling victims to human traffickers in Indonesia and removing street beggars nationwide.

It has also raised the standards of living for the aging population and the disabled. The Police General added that several legislatures have been amended to response to the current social issues, particularly those concerning anti-human trafficking and children.

In addition, structural changes within public organizations and the improvement of human resources have been carried out ahead of ASEAN Economic Community.

The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security is determined to continue tackling human trafficking issues, increasing human resource skills, and eradicating street beggars in the next 6 months.