Min of Interior instructs all provinces to be on the lookout for possible attacks


The Permanent Secretary for Interior has instructed all provinces to be on the lookout for possible attacks.

Interior Permanent Secretary Grisada Boonrach revealed that he held a video conference to instruct all provincial governors affected by the recent attacks to visit the wounded and provide support to security officials. Other governors were instructed to be on the lookout for possible attacks in their provinces. Grisada also asked the Ministry of Public Health to offer free medical treatment to the victims.

The Interior Permanent Secretary urged the public to remain vigilant, report any suspicious activity to the authorities, and refrain from sharing images of past attacks, which could start a panic and damage the country’s reputation. He also recommended that the public only refer to government sources for official updates.

Meanwhile, several provinces have already called security meetings to discuss terror prevention and instructed officials to ensure safety, especially at prominent locations. (NNT)