Material in English produced to aid foreigners taking Thai driving test


Bangkok – The Department of Land Transport (DLT) has produced English-language material to assist foreign driving-test takers.

According to Kamol Buranapong, Deputy Director-General of the DLT, the department has collaborated with the British Embassy in Thailand on a project to increase road safety by promoting foreigners’ understanding of how to drive safely in the Kingdom.

Under this project, a 45-minute video presentation on Thai traffic rules and laws, safety protocols and driving etiquette has been produced in English for the benefit of foreigners applying for driving licenses. The content of the written exam has also been translated from Thai into English.

Moreover, an English-language video running three minutes has also been made available to foreign nationals, informing them of the documents and procedures required when applying for or renewing driving licenses.

The English language materials will be distributed to all DLT offices across Thailand in order to set a standard for driving tests undertaken by foreigners.