Interior Ministry suspends issuing permits on gun-carrying into public places


BANGKOK, 6 July 2012 – A Ministry of Interior announcement restricting issuance of permits on gun carrying throughout the country has come into force after it was proclaimed in the Royal Gazette yesterday. 

The announcement temporarily prohibits the issuance of firearm carrying permits in Thailand.

It stated that in order to ensure public safety in accordance with the 1947 Act on Firearms, Ammunition, Explosive Articles and Fireworks and Imitation of Firearms, gun-carrying permits will not be issued to any persons from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013.

Any members of the public who need to obtain the firearm carrying permit during such period will have to seek special approval from the Interior Minister.

The move follows the government’s commitment to launch a thorough sweep of firearms in the country in a bid to reduce street crimes.