Encroached land of ‘Tiger Temple’ to be reclaimed


Encroached land covering more than 900 rai at the famous “Tiger Temple” will be reclaimed for land reform in an operation to be conducted by authorities tomorrow.

Land occupied by the temple is among 429 plots of encroached land in 25 provinces targeted as priorities for reclamation as each plot cover over 500 rai.


Under Section 44 of the interim constitution, the prime minister ordered that reclamation will first target large plot of encroached land so they could be used to reform for farming purpose.

Kanchanaburi land reform officer Mr Vajarim Wakamanont said Tiger Temple would be the first target among 14 in Kanchanaburi which have to be accomplished in 129 days.

However he said that before the launch of the operation at the Tiger Temple, a press briefing will be held first tomorrow to name all the 14 encroached plots covering over 15,000 rai and where they are located.