EGAT’s labor union asks NRC to oppose planned restructuring of its system


BANGKOK, 21 July 2015 – Members of the labor union of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand have urged the National Reform Council to oppose the planned overhaul of the power producer’s system.

Chairman of the NRC’ s committee on electricity reform leader Wiboon Koohirun on Monday accepted a letter from representatives of the Labor Union of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand as regards issues they wished the reform council would be able to help.

According to the Vice President of the EGAT’s Union, Somyos Jiewkok, they are opposing the planned separation of the power producer’s distribution and system control sections from the EGAT.

The Union feels that the liberalization of the power business still lacks supporting studies and understanding related to the country’s power production, he said.

They are urging the NRC to be careful while pursuing the implementation of such policies in order for Thailand not to fail like some countries have.