Cold spell hits Thailand’s North


CHIANG RAI, Dec 9— Hundreds of thousands of northern residents have been affected by the cold weather prevailing over the region while Chiang Mai’s disaster prevention office planned to ask the governor to declare disaster zones in three districts.

In the northernmost province of Chiang Rai, some 260,000 residents so far have been suffering from the current cold weather, particularly those living in remote mountainous areas.

Responding to the ongoing situation, Governor Pongsak Wangsamer and relevant officials on Sunday visited and distributed blankets to affected residents in 16 villages in the provincial seat.

In the neighbouring province of Chiang Mai, the provincial disaster prevention and mitigation office planned to propose to the governor to declare cold spell disaster areas in three districts– Chom Thong, Omkoi and Fang.

Currently, around 30,000 households have suffered from the weather as the temperature has been lower than 15 degrees Celsius for three days.

Initially, local officials gave 700 blankets to the affected residents.

However, the warm clothing and blankets remain inadequate for the need. Residents in 25 districts, in particular those living in high mountainous areas and earning low income, still need more than 300,000 pieces of warm clothing and blankets.