Children’s rights and protection given first priority in constitution drafting


BANGKOK, 9 January 2015 – The Constitution Drafting Commission (CDC) has given a special gift to children on the National Children’s Day by putting the Protection of Rights of Children and Youths as the first article in the new constitution they are drafting. 

CDC president Bawornsak Uwanno said that the first article prescribes that each family has rights to receive state facilitation to live with normal standard of quality of life, rights to survive and get developed in a way that is appropriate to their surrounding, and rights to be protected by the government from being exploited or interfered for economic and social purposes which may harm their physical and mental health.

Moreover, children and youths under 16 who are unable to earn enough income for themselves must receive financial subsidy from the government.

Under this article, the government must take roles in protecting and developing young persons to have good physical health and mental heath embedded with generosity, intellectual, morality, and good education. These qualities are necessary to the national development.

Bawornsak said comments or suggestions regarding the topic can be made to the CDC.