CDCs spokesman: Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) election may help clampdown on electoral irregularities


BANGKOK, 23 March 2015 – The spokesman to the Constitution Drafting Committee suggested that calls for the Mixed Member Proportional or MMP election system may help clamp down on the problem of electoral irregularities. 

CDC spokesman Gen. Lertrat Ratanavanich, who is also chairman of the sub-committee on the drafting of organic laws on general elections, said that the suggestion that Thailand should adopt the MMP system reflects the true desire of voters.

Gen. Lertrat added that such a system will likely be able to promote justice in the election system and eliminate electoral fraud while avoiding the problem of duplication.

He added that there have been calls for the imposition of 0.5% minimum votes for party-list election — calculated from the number of voter turnout — that must be achieved or those votes will be removed from the tally.

Anyhow, Gen. Lertrat stated that all of these remain suggestions and if the majority of the CDC members do not agree, they can still be amended to suit Thailand.