Cabinet approves local climate study project


BANGKOK, 3 July 2012 – The Cabinet today approved a climate study project, proposed by Science and Technology Minister Plodprasop Surasawadi.

Following NASA’s cancellation of an atmospheric study project in August-September, Mr Plodprasop has held a meeting with a group of scientists and professors from five universities and the Geo-Informatics and Space Development Agency (Gitsda), with a goal to conduct a local climate study.

The project, set to be launched next year, will emphasize on weather patterns as well as on forest fires and regional haze. Mr Plodprasop added that the climate study will add to existing studies on climate change and weather conditions.

The Ministry of Science and Technology and other relevant agencies will hold another meeting to discuss details of the project and prepare the budget proposals to be submitted to the cabinet meeting next week.