Brits ask DSI to testify on Comstrac Co


BANGKOK, 14 November 2012 -The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has been asked by police in the United Kingdom to testify against a British company accused of providing Thailand with useless bomb detectors.

The case involves Comstrac Company Limited, which has been accused of fraud in connection with the manufacture, promotion and sale of GT200 and Alpha 6 bomb detecting equipment.

Director of the Security Crime Bureau Police Lieutenant Colonel Pong-in Intarakhao, said British police have asked the DSI to testify about the false technology and the damage it has caused to the country. A hearing has been tentatively scheduled between March and April next year.

Pong-in revealed the request after yesterday meeting with British police responsible for the case.

He noted that none of the countries which bought the device have filed a complaint against the company.

City of London Police’s Overseas Anti-Corruption Unit has charged six Britons with fraud in connection with the manufacture, promotion and sale of the device to foreign jurisdictions between January 2007 and July 2012.