Another successful sting operation


Shortly after midnight on the 2nd of September police mounted another sting operation whereby an undercover officer arranged to buy 1,000 baht of crystal meth from a known dealer named Saksith Daoseth, the exchange was to take place in front of the  Charoen Sukh Apartment in Soi AR.

After the exchange was made the police identified themselves and seized the bag of crystal meth weighing 0.2 grams, they then went to the a rented room in the apartment to find a  Thai-Australian man named Thosaphol Lu-a-lane and he was found to have 1 amphetamine pill and 0.20 grams of crystal meth along drug taking paraphernalia

these two men will now be charged with illegal distribution of drugs.these two men will now be charged with illegal distribution of drugs.

Mr.Thosapol was born and raised in Thailand and works as a doorman at many entertainment venues all over the city and has good English but lately due to the shortage of money he was forced to start dealing drugs.

Both men have now been taken into custody and will be charged accordingly.

Another successful sting operation