Ang Thong locals ready for flood protection plan


ANG THONG, 29 Oct 2013, – Ang Thong Province is warming to the planned implementation of the Module A plan, which protects 7 economic sub-districts of Muang District. 

Following yesterday’s public hearing on the province’s water resources management plan, locals voiced their opinions on the issue. Ang Thong is under the Government’s Module A2, which would use part of the province to construct 4-meter-tall floods wall in order to prevent floods entering 7 economic zones.

The economic zones comprise 7 Sub-districts in Muang District including Taladluang, Bangkaew, Saladang, Baanhae, Baan-it, Phosa, and Yansue.

Aside from a reservoir, Ang Thong Governor Pawin Chamniprasart said the province could improve its water draining capacity by dredging the area’s main rivers: the Chao Phraya and the Noi.

Diverting the flood water to the designated area would ease the province’s ongoing flood issue, added the Governor. After the hearing, residents unanimously agreed that they would benefit from the flood wall, which was part of the prevention plan drafted by the Water and Flood Management Committee.