Watson edges Ruddle for low-gross honours


PSC 138th Monthly Golf Tournament

For the 113 players at the Pattaya Sports Club’s 138th monthly golf tournament on Thursday 20th November, it was a great day at Pattavia with terrific weather and the golf course in great shape, although the greens were a bit too slick for some.  On this occasion it was a 2-tee start and even though there were a few stragglers we managed to get everyone away pretty much on time.

Once again PSC departed from the usual Friday tournament by holding it on a Thursday, which worked out well with good attendance and a quicker run back into Pattaya afterwards, missing the usual Friday Bangkok traffic exodus.  Golf Chairman Mark West, together with Peter Blackburn, Dick Warberg, Andre Van Dyk & Gerd Reidler, arrived at the course early to prepare for the players arrival, along with the Pattavia staff who were on hand and helpful.

Low-gross winner Bob Watson.Low-gross winner Bob Watson.

With all flights except the Ladies/Seniors playing off the white tees there were some good scores and of course some fairly ordinary ones and in a tight finish at the top it was Bob Watson (H/cap 3) who had the best gross of 74 on a count back from Shane Ruddle (0), with Bob scoring 34 on the back nine to Shane’s 37

A Flight, playing medal, was well won by Kari Kuparinen (8) with a fine net 68 while B Flight’s Stableford comp saw Gunnar Lund (10) in top spot with 36 points.  C Flight produced the equal best Stableford score of the day from Gerard Cooney (18) on 40 points and D Flight winner was Bernard Green (29) with 36.  Chop Daprakhon (13) won the Seniors/Ladies with another great score of 40 points.

The presentation and prize giving was at the ever popular Lewiinski’s where once again Colin and his team produced an excellent buffet and drink service appreciated by all.

Time for the presentation and Peter Blackburn welcomed all and introduced Golf Chairman Mark West.  Mark expressed his appreciation to the day’s players and those who assisted him at the course and to Colin for the buffet, the PSC office staff for the pre-tournament work and Kit and Jun who sold the 50/50 lucky draw tickets.  Mark also mentioned about slow play during these events and asked everyone to please be aware of keeping up with the group in front and also announced that the next tournament will be held at the much improved Pattaya Country Club on Tuesday, 23rd December.

Peter then announced the winners and Mark presented the prizes followed by the Lucky Draw and the 50/50 draw.

A Flight winner Kari Kuparinen.

B Flight winner Gunnar Lund.B Flight winner Gunnar Lund.

C Flight winner Gerard Cooney.C Flight winner Gerard Cooney.

D Flight winner Bernard Green.D Flight winner Bernard Green.

Ladies/Seniors winner Chop Daprakhon.Ladies/Seniors winner Chop Daprakhon.