Sea Fishing with KPK Food Services


Due to the winds and tides most of the fishing boats tend to dock at Sattahip harbour this time of the year.  There is a huge breakwater built by the navy there and this shelters all the boats during the winter months.  Or maybe it’s because we had heard that there were some sailfish about?  Well that turned out to be true.  It is quicker to drive to Sattahip and take the boat to the waters where the sailfish are than try to reach them from Bangsaray.

So, off we set into the morning sun on November 17 with a cloudless sky and a fresh breeze to keep us all cool.

As we neared the fishing ground we were seeking there were shouts of “Look at that!” as a sailfish was moving across the top of the water towards the boat on its side.  We all thought that someone had hooked it and it was being reeled in.  However this turned out to be untrue.  The fish was merely showing off and taking the Mickey!  This happened all day.

Two fish with one hook! Two fish with one hook!

We saw many sailfish swimming alongside the boat and further away, but sadly they did not like the look of our baits.

Gary Stocks eventually told us why.  Apparently the night before was a full moon and because of this the fish can see their prey by the light of the moon and feed all night, leaving them too full to feed by day.  I am not sure of this philosophy, but by the fact that we never caught one we were all too pleased to accept the reason.

However fret ye not!  The day turned out to be a super day for the smaller varieties with approx 30 to 35 kilos of good eatable sized fish.

The photo shows one of the groupers caught.  This was strange really because the first bite was the smaller fish you can see in the mouth of the grouper.  As the small fish was being reeled in the grouper took a bite at the small fish and got hooked with the same hook.

As the sun started to disappear on the horizon we all decided that it was time for a beer or two and instructed the skipper to head for home.

Our next trips are scheduled for the 10th December and the 24th (yes, Christmas Eve).  Both trips have vacancies at present.  Anyone interested please call me (Mike) on 087 091 7565.