New heroes to start the new year


The Pattaya Golf Society (IPGC) at Rabbi’s Elephant Bar

The Pattaya Golf Society began the new year in fine style with a visit to Emerald on Friday, 4th January, to play a stableford competition in two flights with the cut based at handicaps sixteen and under.  The course is looking good again after the replanting around the greens and scores were generally good with a full field average of thirty points.

In the top flight Rick Schramm took third place with a fine 35 points, being edged out of the top spot by the pairing of Steve Evans and Alan Maxwell who both recorded 36 points.  For Alan it was his first round with the group in almost two years.

In the second flight Henry Mah took third place with 34 points but was a long way behind joint winners Ken Grimes and Masashi Iizumi both recording 40 points to begin the year on a real “high”.

There were birdie ‘2’s for Ken Grimes (hole seven) and Jim Proctor and Alan Flynn both on hole fifteen.  Rabbi’s beer draw was won by Dave Moriarty and the Booby Bevy went to Alan Walker for his largest split figures of the day.

A successful start to the new season then with the PGS as it builds up to its Annual Championship in two weeks time