Lasonder leads from the front


PSC golf from The Billabong Golf Bar

Monday, Feb. 3, Pleasant Valley – Stableford

A five and half hour round of golf at Pleasant Valley today was way too long for some, including the scribe.  Although the course was only in OK condition with the greens a bit soft & fluffy, there were some really good scores coming in. 

John Locke finished in third place with a fine 39 points, losing out on a count back to Phil Waite on the same score.  First place today went to Liz Collier with a great 41 points.

(Left-right): Willim Lasonder, Capt. Bob, Peter Ennis and Rosco Langloulant. (Left-right): Willim Lasonder, Capt. Bob, Peter Ennis and Rosco Langloulant.

There were three ‘2’s coming from Owen Walkley, JJ Harney and John Locke.

A thank you goes to George Barrie for looking after the lads today and giving Capt Bob a spell again.

Wednesday, Feb. 5, Green Valley – Stableford

With 45 players going to Green Valley it was a bit of a hectic start but we all got away and finished in just over four hours.

The course was in great condition and the scores were fantastic with a three-way count back on 36 points for sixth place that was taken by Roger Ison with 21 points on the back nine, beating John Locke and Noddy Moyle with 19 and 20 respectively.  Fifth place went to JJ Harney with 37 points, fourth went to Alan Bissell with 38, in second was Paul Greenaway with 39 points but top of the stack today was our good mate Paul Bourke with a fantastic 42 points.

There were five ‘2’s coming from JJ Harney, Peter LeNoury, Kevin Wild, Bill Trainer and Aukle.

Friday, Feb. 7, Crystal Bay – Stableford

Crystal Bay was our venue for today and it started out a little bit hectic.  There was a mix up between Capt. Bob and the little lady over bookings but it turned out alright in the end, even though we played a three-ball, then a four-ball followed by 5 five-balls.  Thanks to the guys who persevered, we all got around in about 4½ hours in bright sunshine and not too much heat.

The course was in good condition but the greens were a little different to putt on, with a strange type of weed in some of them.

There were some great scores in with a count back on 37 points for fifth place and Wayne Cotterell got the nod over Helmut.  Fourth place went to Rosco Langoulant with 39 points, third was taken by Capt. Bob with, second went to Peter Ennis with 41 and first went to Willim Lasonder with a fine 42 points.

There were three ‘2’s from Willim, Liz Collier and Noddy, the last one resulting from a fifty-foot putt.

Note:  The Billabong is situated just off Siam Country Club Road looking straight down Lake Mabprachan.  If you are looking for a game call into the bar and put your name down or call Bob on 082 204 3411.