Hamstad & Kubicki top the week


PSC golf from Tropical Bert’s

Tuesday, Feb. 14, Mountain Shadow – Stableford

This was going to be a different day right from the start, as both ‘organisers’ decided that with it being Valentine’s Day they really should be at home with their ‘loved ones’, so in the spirit of compromise Mike Gaussa was volunteered to run the day.  I do like a good volunteer.  So off they went and I went back to bed.

When they came back I nipped down and had a few beers while Mike declared the results and I have to say he should do it more often as Mashi was not in the winners list; damn good show Mike!  Mind, I expect that normal service will be resumed from next week when we will both be fit, I hope.

Tuesday winner Carole Kubicki (center) with runner-up Rob Brown (left) and Richard Kubicki (right). Tuesday winner Carole Kubicki (center) with runner-up Rob Brown (left) and Richard Kubicki (right).

There was the bit in the middle, that with neither Dick nor I going, does not hold a lot of interest really but I suppose I better report on it in Mike’s words.  Still as a part timer he did good.

So on arrival it was noted that the car park was full and it promised to be a slow day.  Stood on the first tee, and playing the Blue tees, it was noted that the Ladies red tee was so far forward that the girls were lost in the distance and so it was all the way around.  Sad really!

The fairways were fine with the greens as normal, really tricky, fast and sneaky.  So it was going to be a tough day and the course was fine but testing and deal here is good so we will be back here again without doubt.

Back to Bert’s it was time for Mike Gaussa’s big moment as he did the presentation.  The winner was Carole Kubicki with 38 points ahead of Rob Brown with 37 points.  In third place was ‘The Other Kubicki’ Richard with 34 points with Doug Maiko in fourth with 32 points and Graham Buckingham in fifth on 31 points.

Mike could relax and I have proved him wrong as he said he would not get a mention as he did not win.  Happy Days!  T.T.F.N.

Near Pins:  Graham Buckingham, Ed Koch, Richard Kubicki, Tom Cotton

Friday, Feb. 17, Treasure Hill – Stableford

This course is getting better and today we were soon away and the layout provided its normal tough test.

Round over we awaited the rest of the players before getting into cars for the trip back.  The return to Pattaya proved to be the most exciting part of the day.  We had a real tropical downpour with the roads under water and splashing our way back to Bert’s.  When we got there it seems they did not have much rain – weird!

So on to the presentation and the winner with 36 points was Steve Hamstad on count back over Brian Parrish.  In third was Rob Brown with 34 points and in fourth was Andre Van Dyke with 32 points.

Near Pins:  Derek Brook, Andre Van Dyke, Mike Gaussa (2).