Forty the benchmark at Pleasant Valley


PSC golf from The Fairways Golf Society

Tuesday, Jan. 25, Pleasant Valley – Monthly P.A.G.S. Tournament

It was another fantastic turnout for our first monthly P.A.G.S. tournament of the year and considering 112 golfers took part, things ran reasonably smoothly.  There were very high scores in all four divisions with all the winners scoring 40pts or more.  Everybody seemed to enjoy the event, even the ones that did not play so well.

We have a new set of rules laid out for this year, a copy of which is pinned up on the notice board in the clubhouse so your comments and suggestion are welcome.  Before we go on to the technical prizes, a quick mention of the players who scored 40pts or more:  Patrick Engels 43pts Mark Slinn & Hildur 41pts, & Colin Gregg 40pts.  Also we had two players Pier Cere & Russell Exley who remarkably scored eagle ‘2’s on two of the par fours.  Well played all of you!

PAGS A-Flight winner Colin Greig (right). PAGS A-Flight winner Colin Greig (right).

So on to the technical prizes.  Nearest the marker: Ning Neal & Jeff Hoslin.  Longest putts: Gavin Perfect, Simon Ditchburn.  Longest Drives:  Don Head, Henry Wong, Lee Butler, Wendy Chetland & Noi Emerson.  Near pins in three shots:  Landis Brooks (2) & Jean Moral.  Near pins in two:  Charlie Ayres, Jack Grindvold, Gavin Perfect, Pier Cere, Russell Exley & Silvio.  Near pins:  Jack Grindvold, Colin Gregg, Jonny Larsson, Francis Skukan, Hildur & Rusty Archibald.

A Flight

1st Colin Gregg (12) 40pts

2nd Jon Lay (8) 38pts

3rd Mark Stanley (13) 38pts

B Flight

1st Patrick Engels (14) 43pts

2nd Jeff Calrow (15) 39pts

3rd Werner (15) 36pts

C Flight

1st Mark Slinn (22) 41pts

2nd Kenny Chung (27) 39pts

3rd Odd Holm Hansen (24) 38pts


1st Hildur (19) 41pts

2nd Suphattra Dulkys (36) 37pts

Almost everybody commented on the excellent barbecue laid on by the guys from the Fairways – it was even better than normal – and after the presentation the festivities went on well into the night.

Friday, Jan. 27, Greenwood – Stableford

This must have been the busiest golf course in Thailand today as all three nines were totally booked from early morning until late afternoon.  Amazingly the round only took roughly 15mins longer than average.  It was so busy that they had to draft in as many caddies from the surrounding courses as possible, and they still did not have enough.  Lots of golfers never had candies for several holes.

PAGS B-Flight winner Patrick Engels (left).PAGS B-Flight winner Patrick Engels (left).

Now this just goes to show what giving specially reduced rates can achieve.  Hopefully other courses will take note of this!

On to the golf and we had an excellent turnout due to the specially reduced rates for large groups, so two divisions.  Surprisingly only three players managed to break par: Barry Wellings, John Grahem and Bob Edwards, and they were all in the A Flight.

Near pins went to Rick Odjers, Andres Grunenburg, Paul Smith and John Grahem.

A Flight

1st Barry Wellings (5) 38pts

2nd John Grahem (10) 37pts

3rd Bob Edwards (10) 37pts

PAGS C-Flight winner Mark Slinn (left).PAGS C-Flight winner Mark Slinn (left).

B Flight

1st Rick Odjers (17) 34pts

2nd Andres Grunenburg (14) 33pts

3rd Roy Dayton (23) 32pts

Note:  The Fairways golf society & driving range is located at the top of Pattaya Klang on Sukhumvit Road and plays every Mon/Wed & Friday.  Anyone wishing to play with us can call in to the club house and put their names down on the lists provided or call Scott on 084 389.

PAGS Ladies winner Hildur (left).PAGS Ladies winner Hildur (left).