Hard Rock Hotel celebrates Songkran traditions


General Kanit Permsub (seated left), Deputy Aide de Camp, General to His Majesty the King, along with Khunying Busyarat Permsub (centre) presided over the ‘Rod nam dam hua’ ceremonies at the Hard Rock Hotel. Staff and friends sprinkled scented water onto the hands of the revered couple along with senior members of the hotel including GM Jorge Carlos Smith (right).

General Kanit Permsub (seated left), Deputy Aide de Camp, General to His Majesty the King, along with Khunying Busyarat Permsub (centre) presided over the ‘Rod nam dam hua’ ceremonies at the Hard Rock Hotel. Staff and friends sprinkled scented water onto the hands of the revered couple along with senior members of the hotel including GM Jorge Carlos Smith (right).