Sansiri voted ‘Most Admired Brand’ in real estate


Sansiri Public Co. Ltd. has been voted as Most Admired Brand by readers of popular magazines Brand Edge and The Company.  Apichart Chutrakul, CEO of Sansiri thanked readers of the two publications and noted that the award demonstrated that the company’s projects were accepted and thought highly of by both customers and marketing experts alike.

Brand Edge readers voted Sansiri as Thailand’s Most Admired Brand 2014 based on three main criteria; company and agent image, price and promotions, and finally advertisement and communication.

Apichart Chutrakul, CEO of Sansiri Public Co. Ltd.Apichart Chutrakul, CEO of Sansiri Public Co. Ltd.

Readers of The Company made their award based on innovation, responsibility, company and director image, service, and the success of management.  Sansiri received the highest score for corporate responsibility and company image and second in innovation.

Apichart said that despite the awards the company will not rest on its laurels and will continually strive to improve and fine tune its developments and projects to offer customers a better experience.