Highly anticipated ‘Riviera Jomtien’ takes 50% sales in just 3 weeks


News recently spread fast that The Riviera Group was launching a 2nd Riviera project based upon the successful Wongamat concept, but this time in Jomtien.

With the last 6 months seeing a slow-down in the property sector with a predicted decline in new launches this 4th quarter, good news was welcomed and came from The Riviera Group.

Developer Winston Gale stands next to a scale model of the The Riviera Jomtien project.Developer Winston Gale stands next to a scale model of the The Riviera Jomtien project.

Developer Winston Gale stated, “The Riviera Jomtien has been in the planning stage for nearly a year and naturally agents & investors became aware that we may launch this high-season, but we were not quite fully prepared for the response we received.”  According to Winston, in the first 3 weeks of having early presentation materials, a staggering 51% of the 3.8b THB project was sold.

“Within days of quietly releasing the projects information to key agents and investors, our car park (at The Riviera Wongamat showroom) was suddenly full with buyers snapping up units on a daily basis.  Our staff were literally overwhelmed by the traffic we received.  This continued on in this manner for over 2 weeks and has only recently seen a natural slowdown in this kind of pre-launch activity,” said Winston.

The official launch of the project will be undertaken via a large exhibition in Central Festival, Pattaya on November 19–26 where The Riviera Group plan to stage an 8-day extravaganza event providing daily entertainment, celebrities and each buyer automatically entered into a lucky draw to win a 3.5m THB Mercedes SLK.

But perhaps the biggest event will be the opening of their on-site showroom currently being built with an anticipated red-carpet opening night date around mid December.  Winston further remarked, “Yes, we are investing heavily again on a showroom which looks to provide buyers with a similar experience to what was achieved in Wongamat.  This time we are trying our best to improve on the experience, design and overall concept and so we hope it will be received well again.”

The mega-scaled project has a total estimated value of 3.8 billion Thai baht and consists of 1053 units within a 46-storey building combined with a further 25 commercial units.

For further information call the Riviera Group, (Thor) on 087-499-6551 or (Min) on 081-577-0645.