Walter wins the medal


The Outback Golf Bar

Monday, Jan. 16, Burapha – Stableford

Playing the tough C and D nines good scores were hard to come by today and especially the higher handicappers found the conditions a real struggle.

With the division cut off set at 18 course handicap, David Atkinson’s 28 points was enough to hand him third spot in B division, John Langley had 29 which saw him take second spot and Barry McIntosh was astonished to find himself the winner with 31 points.

Things went a lot better in the A division, where the sixth place score would have been enough to win top spot in the B flight.  Fidge Button’s 34 points was a pretty good score on the day and handed him third place, in second was Vince Butler with 37 points and Don Anderson outplayed the rest of the field with a fabulous 39 points for top spot on the podium.

There were three ‘2’s recorded, by David Atkinson, Don Anderson and Peter Nixon.


Friday, Jan. 20, Green Valley – Medal

This was another great opportunity for a player to qualify for our amazing first prize of a Hua Hin tour with this month’s monthly medal.

Surprisingly, there were no massively impressive scores this month with only one player shooting better than handicap.  There was no real explanation for this as the course was not unusually difficult and the only rationale can be that some of the tees were a bit further back than usual.

Four players were equal in second place, with Wolfgang Fisher, Tony Oakes, Charlie Heneghan and Jocchi Osterreicher each scoring 72 net.  Our low-gross winner was David Thomas (gross 82) who joined us for the first time, and our big winner this month was Mark Walter who recently joined us from Singapore and fired a fine net 71 off his 12.9 course handicap.

There were five ‘2’s today, from Hans-Georg Bufe, David Thomas, Tony Oakes, Ashley Morris and Edward Beilby

The next monthly medal is on February 17.