Van Dyk takes the treasure


PSC Golf from the Tropical Golf Group

Tuesday, June 7, Khao Kheow – Stableford

After the dry fairways of the last few months we went to Khao Kheow with hope as some of our players had just played there and assured us the course was in fine condition, and after recent rain in the area the course actually had grass.

Andre Van Dyk.
Andre Van Dyk.

It seems that most of the local golf venues of late have seen sparse usage, so we have been getting some great rates from some of the courses and this has included Khao Kheow.

We had a fine run up there and the book-in was quick and painless, as it usually is at this fine course.  The test for the day was to be the B & C nines and we were able to get away on time and saw nobody ahead all the way around.  And what a fine round it was, except for the oppressive heat.  The greens today were fine as usual except they were a bit ‘hairy’, but you cannot have everything in life.

Back at BJ’s it was soon time for the results.  In the A Flight, 0 to 14, the winner was Brian Parish with 37 points while Tommy Marshall took second with 34 ahead of a count back on 31 points that saw Landis Brooks in third and Paul Smith just missing out.

In the B Flight, with the best score of the day, was Brian Gabe who came in as the winner with 38 points.  In second was Dick Warberg with 36 points and we then had a count back on 35 points that saw Tom Herrington in third ahead of Bob Britton.

Near Pins: Tom Herrington, Barry Elphick, Landis Brooks, Paul Smith

Friday, June 10, 2016, Treasure Hill CC – St

It is hopefully the end of dry season and courses are starting to green up.  It will take a while for many of them to recover completely however and rain is still needed, so don’t complain if your round is delayed during golf.

Brian Parish (left) with Brian Gabe.
Brian Parish (left) with Brian Gabe.

This Friday the Tropical Golfers had Treasure Hill on the agenda, and 25 golfers signed up to give this scenic yet difficult course a try.  Most met early at BJ’s Holiday Lodge to fill up, then off we went.

Slow season & dry conditions = price war among the golf courses, and Treasure Hill is leading the charge.  With 1000 baht all-in including a cart even dedicated walkers found themselves riding in style.  If the price wasn’t enough reason to smile, the course condition is excellent.  Treasure Hill is really a treasure now.  TH is really a scenic course but the view is often overlooked as some holes are quite difficult.  Who would get to the top today?

In A-Flight (0-16), with the best score of the day, was Andre Van Dyk (H/cap 15) who shot a magnificent 39 points!  Way to go Andre.  Right behind him came Paul Smith (1) with 38 points – notice that even though Paul came in second it was off his nano handicap of ONE, so that means Paul did Treasure Hill under par.  We bow down to thee!  Landis Brooks (8) finished A-Flight honors with a fine 35 points.

Ken Hole (19) took top B-Flight (17+) honors with 38 points, followed by Don Carmody (29) with 37 and Tom Herrington (17) with a respectable 35.

Near Pins: Gerd Riedler, Tommy Marshall, Andre Van Dyk, Brian Gabe.

Long Putts: Steve Truelove, Mashi Kaneta.