‘Tough nut’ takes the top honour


PSC golf from Tropical Bert’s

Tuesday, July 31, Greenwood – Stableford

This is always the biggest day of Tuesday’s golf at Tropical Bert’s as it is not only the ‘MBMG Group Golfer of the Month’, but also ‘The MBMG Group Golfer of The Year’.  Each time we have a golfer of the month the points are added up and with 12 months results in we are able to determine a golfer of the year.  We thank MBMG Group for their kind sponsorship of this award.

This year as we went into the final day of the 12 months, it was all still up in the air in both competitions.  However in the ‘MBMG Golfer of the Year’, realistically only two had a chance with Mashi leading by one point from the scribe.  Mind, Mashi is a tough nut to crack.  However Brian Parish had an outside chance but had to win the monthly with both the leaders not scoring.  All very confusing.

Simon Philbrook, left, presents the ‘MBMG Golfer of the Year’ trophy and prize to Mashi Kaneta.Simon Philbrook, left, presents the ‘MBMG Golfer of the Year’ trophy and prize to Mashi Kaneta.

The test for the day was to be Greenwood, and on arriving and booking in we were told we were to play the C & A Nines.  A really tough test, made even more so by the fact it had rained heavily and the buggies had to remain on the path.  With such a damp day the decision was to play off the yellows as we would have no run.

The rain came down on the way driving there, and as we teed off the caddies had put the covers on all the bags.  However, although it was overcast we started with no rain falling and truth to tell although we expected it to rain, apart from a few spots we got around without getting wet.

The course despite being wet was a pleasure to play, and although the rough was difficult to get out of the fairways were fine and, as cutting them short was difficult, we had a bit of grass under the ball.  Of course with not much rain it did get a bit windy however it turned out to be a fine day.  The one area of difficulty was the greens that tended to be very slow, but you cannot have everything in life.

We were soon round and into the restaurant for a bite to eat and a cold drink.  As the scores came in it was obvious we had some fine scores and the scribe hoped his 37 points might have some worth.  However as the later scores came in it was obvious that the A Flight were in fine form.

Soon into cars we were then in for a slow drive back as it seemed that all the cars and trucks in this part of Thailand were out enjoying the rain finally stopping.  Also it appears some ‘Important People’ were out and about as the oncoming traffic the other side of Route 7 was full of cars with flashing lights.  Nice when you are going the other way!

Back in Bert’s it was a pleasure to find Bert had laid on food for all the golfers on this special occasion,  Thanks Bert.  Also from The MBMG Group, Simon Philbrook had come to present the prizes.  Simon is well known in golfing circles here in Pattaya.

Soon it was time for the results and see who had come through.  It was interesting to see that the A Flight, 0 to 19, had played really well.  So in the A Flight the winner was Alan Sullivan with 44 points, a great round.  In second place was Mike Gaussa with 41 points and in third was that man Mashi Kaneta with 39 points.

In the B Flight, 20-up, the winner was Richard Holmes with 37 points on count back over Daryl Evans in second.  In third was Tom Cotton with 35 points.

So to the MBMG Golfer of the Month – until the last card in it looked like Daryl would win, but losing on count back meant that Dick Warberg just hung on and was the winner for July.  Well done Dick.

Now into the big one, and with neither Mashi nor the scribe adding to their points in July, by the narrowest of margins Mashi Kaneta was the first winner of the MBMG Group Golfer of the Year award.  Mashi is the steadiest of golfers so this is most deserved.  Really well done Mashi!

Near Pin:  Frank Pilkington, Alan Sullivan (2)

Friday, August 3, Rayong Country Club – Stableford

Being a ‘weekend’ rate at the golf courses we thought we would go to one of the better rate courses for a change and not move the playing day one forward or back.  So we went to this course that used to be called Great Lake.

Simon presents the monthly prize to Dick Warberg.Simon presents the monthly prize to Dick Warberg.

My mother told me if you did not have something good to say, say nothing, but this write up would be rather short, and I tend not to listen to most people, especially my mother, as just about everything I do would be banned.  Lovely lady though.

So, and being kind, the course is not in good condition.  My buggy had no brakes and had to be changed, the water was cold in the showers and then we went back to Bert’s.  Mind, my caddie was quite good but this is the one course that you do not have to have a caddie.  Fancy having to sit there all day as car load after car load do not want a caddie?  I have to as usually I do not know where the ball has gone so it is cheaper than buying a dozen balls.  Sometimes a good day in the office can be better than a bad day on the golf course.

Back at Bert’s it was a bite to eat and into the results.  The winner was Landis Brooks with 40 points ahead of Mike Gaussa in second with 37 points and in third was Dick Warberg with 35.  Good job the Olympics is on the TV as it finished the day well.  Bert has televisions all over the place.  T.T.F.N.

Near Pins:  Dick Warberg, Mike O’Brien, Alan Sullivan, Landis Brooks

Tuesday’s winners on the day with one of Bert’s finest. Tuesday’s winners on the day with one of Bert’s finest.