The society is ‘Green’ with envy


PSC golf from Lewiinski’s Golf Society

Sunday, May 5, St Andrews – Stableford

A Flight

1st Garry Green (10) 41pts

2nd Ed Wyckoff (9) 40pts

B Flight

1st Ken Blinco (16) 40pts

2nd Eddy Beilby (18) 38pts

Near Pins:  No 3 Garry Green, No 5 & 10 Gordon Wallace, No 17 Peter Fox

Garry Green had shown that he was riding a purple patch last week and that play continued at St Andrews this Sunday as his 41 points left him one clear of Ed ‘our man in the White House’ Wyckoff in A Flight and the field.

Ken Blinco and his 40 points took the B Flight top spot followed by Eddy ‘the Eagle’ Beilby who was 2 shots in arrears.  The Principal mustered 7 points on the front nine but could not keep it going as he managed only 6 on the back.

Terry Mangan and Ken Blinco split a healthy 2’s pot.

Garry Green, right, with Colin and the Golf Manager.Garry Green, right, with Colin and the Golf Manager.

Monday, May 7, Khao Kheow – Stableford

A  Flight

1st Garry Green (10) 35pts

2nd Paul Hack (14) 35pts

B Flight

1st Jim Bell (17) 35pts

2nd Peter Henshaw (19) 34pts

There is our title boy finalizing his claim to the vaunted bold print on the day, this time with 35 points in A Flight plus a co man of the match.  Sitting one shot back of Garry was Paul Hack no stranger to the pay window.

2-day winner Thierry Petrement, right, with Colin Davis.2-day winner Thierry Petrement, right, with Colin Davis.

Jimmy ‘I did ring the’ Bell stood on the top rung in B Flight with his co man of the match 35 points.  Peter ‘Don Corleone’ Henshaw edged both Peter Godfrey and Christy ‘Good’ Knight for the silver on a count back.

No 2’s so a rollover on Wednesday.

Friday, May 11, Pattana B&C – Stableford

A Flight

1st Semple Lindsay (14) 37pts

2nd Ken Aihara (5) 36pts

3rd Terry Mangan (11) 34pts

B Flight

1st Christy Knight (21) 35pts

2nd Lou Szigligeti (17) 34pts

3rd Peter Henshaw (19) 33pts

Friday saw the society off to play Pattana for the second day of our Lewiinski’s Golf Club monthly challenge (please see the Golf Club report for the first day).  I can tell you that after the first day Lewiinski’s ‘Mr. nice guy’, Thierry Petrement, was the leader by four strokes over Ed ‘our man in the White House’ Wyckoff, Jim ‘he can ring the’ Bell, Peter Hynard and Ken Aihara, all on 34 points.

The story today was Lewiinski’s Lindsay Semple and his 37 points as he was the only player to better par.  The Golf Club’s Ken Aihara increased his chances of lifting the glassware with a solid even par round.  There was a pile up for the bronze as Terry ‘pork chop’ Mangan, Paul Hack, Salvatore Brizzi and Thierry Petrement all returned 34 points.  Terry emerged from the pack to fill the flight.

B Flight was an all Lewiinski’s affair as Irishman Christy ‘Good’ Knight returned to fine form with a flight winning 35 points.  Following Christy up the podium steps was Aussie Lou ‘the traffic warden’ spaghetti (Szigligeti) just a stroke behind.  The calculator was needed again as Peter ‘Don O’corleone’ Henshaw, Jimmy ‘two shots’ Elphick and Eddy the Eagle were all tied up but no one had the nerve to get one over  Peter ‘Don O’Corleone.

Back at Lewiinski’s and after the splendid buffet it was time to add the scores for the two days to find the winner – and with a two day total of 72, Lewiinski’s Thierry Petrement lifted the lead crystal glassware.  The Golf Club’s Ken Aihara was the runner-up with 70 points.  Lewiinski’s also had the better scoring average but only by a half shot.

After the presentation Colin thanked everybody who took part and the Lewiinski’s staff for all the hard work and the famous Buffet.

Note:  Lewiinski’s is situated on Pattaya Land Soi 1, Beach Road Soi 13/3 near to Walking Street.  Anyone wishing to play with us just pop in and add your name to the list or call Colin on 089 826 0764.  Transport is provided.