Steady Lyle Blaw tops podium at Green Valley

Joe Peters, winner on Tuesday 4th September at Pattavia.  &  Bernie Stafford, winner on Thursday 6th September at Burapha.

IPGC Golf from The Tara Court Golf

Sunday, Sept. 2
Green Valley – Stableford

Although we are in to September already we had a slightly smaller group out today here in Green Valley. Another beautiful day with a nice breeze which meant that it wasn’t too hot. A very fast front nine and although the back nine was much slower when we caught up with the group in front we still got round in around three and a half hours.

They badly need a good marshal here as one of the groups in front had lost more than one hole and so were holding everyone up and no one to say anything to them.

We had one honest golfer with us today, when he discovered that he had signed his card which had a wrong handicap on it he voluntarily disqualified himself. This is in contrast to some people who when it is discovered that the handicap on the card is wrong or if there is no handicap on it at all they expect the organizer to ignore it and get very offended if they don’t. They should remember that the handicap is their responsibility and no one else’s.

Stuart Brown’s handicap is coming down nicely but although he was down another shot this week it still didn’t stop him from winning as his thirty seven points was the best score today.

In second place was Lyle Blaw who is playing very steady golf on this trip and today he had thirty five points. Third place went to Kevyn Wright who had thirty four and Kevin O’Sullivan got the fourth and last place for today with thirty three.

We had two twos today.

1st Stuart Brown 7, 37 pts.

2nd Lyle Blaw 12, 35 pts.

3rd Kevyn Wright 11, 34 pts.

4th Kevin O’Sullivan 14, 33 pts.

2s Craig Hitchens and Donal McGuigan, one each.

Tuesday, Sept. 4
Pattavia Burapha – Stableford

13 players teed of 30 minutes early today under grey skies, which kept the temperature at a good comfort level & luckily no rain. The greens had had a slight scarifying which slowed them down a little bit. The bunkers had all been drained of any water, which left a lot of small stones in them.

The winner today has only been back a week or so from Ireland, but is already starting to re-acclimatize to the conditions. Joe Peters (22) had the only better than handicap round with 37 points & 1st place. Kevyn Wright (11) continued on with his good form for 2nd on 35 pts. Jerry Sweetnam (9) was 3rd with 34 pts & Joe MCArdle (17) took the 4th prize with 32 pts.

There were no 2s today,

Thursday, Sept. 6
Burapha – Stableford

Today we played the C and D nines here in Burapha and this was the first time we had played the D nine for a very long time. Most people find that the D nine is the most difficult one here in Burapha and today the scores reflected that as most of the scores were lower. It was a very pleasant round of golf with the play moving on quickly on a very nice day.

Last week Bernie Stafford had thirty eight points and lost out on the prizes on the countback but today the same score got him the top spot. He actually thought that he had played badly but it was a very good score today. In second place was Jon Batty who played to his six handicap and scored thirty six points. We then had two players on thirty four points and Russell Gilroy, who was the only player to better his handicap on the D nine, won the count back to take the third.

1st Bernie Stafford 18, 38 pts.

2nd Jon Batty 6, 36 pts.

3rd Russell Gilroy 16. 34 pts.

2s Lyle Blaw, one.