St Andrews Annual Invitational Charity Golf Tournament


To be held at 12.30 p.m. on Saturday, May 19

at Green Valley, Rayong

Format:  2-man scramble. Two players per team,

two teams per foursome.

Singles will be paired up by Committee

to form two-man teams

Player Handicap:  Maximum Handicaps:

Gentlemen 24, Ladies 36

Team Handicap: 20% of combined 2-man handicap

(Team handicap must not be higher

than the lower handicap)

Drives:  Minimum 3 drives from each player per Nine

Gimmee Circles will be in effect to speed play

Mulligans will be available for purchase – maximum of 3 per golfer

(200bht each or 3 for 500bht)

Trophies awarded for Low Gross and Low Net scores.

Entrance fee of 3,300 baht includes green fee, caddy fee, shirt, drinks, dinner with awards and prizes.

All profits from this event will benefit the

Dek Dee Centre, Ban Chang, Rayong.

For more info or to register, email [email protected]