Ronnie & Mick crowned at King Naga

B Flight top three: Brian Gabe, Mick Coghlan and Nigel Perry.
B Flight top three: Brian Gabe, Mick Coghlan and Nigel Perry.

The Tropical Golf Group

Friday Oct. 13, King Naga – Stableford

How long has it been since we missed a day of rain?  Well, just remember this in a few months when we complain the courses are parched.  Weather wise it was a lucky Friday the 13th, also the late King’s Memorial Day, so perhaps fittingly twenty-one Tropical golfers decided to check out the newly re-opened King Naga course.

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Most will remember it as originally Great Lakes and more recently, Rayong Country Club.  Since it was closed for over a year, many won’t have played it nor, if played, remember much from previous visits.  The good news is this is an excellent Nick Faldo design and the course layout is quite scenic.  Many times during the round we would look with awe at the design and the surrounding beauty.

Closer inspection however reveals the rough edges.  King Naga remains (we hope) a work-in-progress.  As one player put it, “It needs better tees, fairways, greens, and bunkers”.  That might be a bit harsh, but the tee area grass was no different than the rough on some holes.  All is not lost however and someone is taking an interest in it.  We saw workers on the course, and caddies sported nice new uniforms.

On a Sport Day (M-W-F) you can walk for 550 baht including caddie, and you can share carts for 300 baht each.  Give it a try, as the results show; it is a very playable layout.

Newbie Ronnie Ratte (c/h 21) took A-flight honours with a fine 36 points.  Next came Brian Parish (13), with 34, taking second place on count-back over Andre Van Dyk (17).

B-flight shined this day, with Mick Coghlan (25) announcing his run for Golfer of the Month with the day’s high of 38 points.  Next Brian Gabe (22) earned second with a fine 37, and Nigel Perry (25) hit enough straight drives to make 36 points.

Best Nine (non winner): Dick Warberg and Steen Habersaat earned claps for having at least a good nine on a tough course.

Near pins went to Brian Gabe (2), Andre Van Dyk and Mashi Kaneta.