Redding provides the fireworks at Eastern Star


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, Nov. 1, Mt. Shadow – Stableford

Just another day in paradise, with the climatic conditions at the moment, and a perfect day for a round of golf.

The girls it seems are in hibernation for various reasons, plus their partners as well, so there were only 19 players out today in two divisions.  The course was in good condition and the greens very fast but some silly pin placements on a few of the holes meant many 3-putts being returned, even by some of the low handicappers today.

Terry Redding and Les Smith topped Division 2 at Eastern Star on Friday. Terry Redding and Les Smith topped Division 2 at Eastern Star on Friday.

Shooting a gross 79 off a five handicap was Kari Kuparinen who won Division 1 with 35 points.  Tom Herold, now playing off 14, came in second just two points behind, and Billy Hewitt beat Mikael Andersson on a 16/12 back nine count-back for third after they both finished with 29 points.

Avis was smiling back at Siam Cats as Bryan Rought won Division 2 with 34 points while the Welsh boy Mike Lewis beat Willy V. Heetvelde on a 17/12 back-nine count-back for second after they both finished with a paltry 27 points.

Les Smith birdied the 17th for the only ‘2’ in the second division while Tom Herold and Raivo Velsberg shared the pot in Division 1.

Friday, Nov. 5, Eastern Star – Stableford

Three late cancellations left us with 6 four-balls for our pleasant outing to Eastern Star on Friday.

Being bonfire night in the UK, there were some fireworks in Division 2 with Terry Redding scoring 22 points on the front nine and winning with 40 points.  Les Smith was second with 35 and Cully Monks took third on 32.

Keeping it in the family was Harry Riley as he beat his other half, Ya, on a 21/15 back-nine count-back for the top spot in Division 1 after they came in with 34 points each.  Pete Sumner was third only one point behind them.

Still no ‘2’s in Division 2 since mid August on Fridays but Harry birdied the 17th for the only one in Division 1.

Near pins went to Paul Butler, Tom Byrne, Frank McGowan, Tom Sathrum, Cully Monks (2) and Terry Redding.