Players Lounge match-play goes down to the wire


Following some match-play events between local bars recently, Paul Hack, golf organiser of the Players’ Lounge, arranged a different match play event for TPL golfers on Feb. 7 at Pattaya Country Club

English and Scots v Rest of the World was the challenge and the TPL partners captained the teams.  Captain for ROW was the popular caddy Kyle Roadley AKA Roachy and Mickey Beresford captained the Brits.

Paul Hack with Mickey Beresford and Kyle Roadley.
Paul Hack with Mickey Beresford and Kyle Roadley.

The format was not quite the usual match-play as we all know it.  On this day there were 5 groups and each 4-ball had pairs from each team so after 9 holes you played the other player.  This seemed popular with the players and this format will be used in future.  We also had two ladies Noo and Eng playing, and they made a very welcome addition to the event.

It was a fine day, the course was satisfactory and all enjoyed the match, which was played in true friendly fashion.

Afterwards it was back to the Players’ Lounge for the results and Paul announced that the contest was a tie at 9-all.  It seemed a fitting way to end a great day.  There were 2 near pins (drink vouchers) won by Ian Pickle and Tim Knight, with a special mention of Sugar Robertson who was a foot from the pin on the difficult 16th.