Paul Hartley drives long to win


IPGC golf from The Haven

Monday, April 2, Crystal Bay – Stableford

CSS 71

1st Paul Hartley (19) 41pts

2nd Alan Griffiths (12) 38pts

3rd Clive Hall (16) 37pts

4th Ryan McGregor (12) 37pts

5th Alan Pilkington (10) 35pts

6th Bruce Kusyk (13) 34pts

Following a very tough time during the previous week’s competitions it was off to the wide open spaces of Crystal Bay over the A and B courses, which compare well with most of the courses on the schedule at this time although still some way short of the condition of old. 

There is also no sign of improvement in the changing rooms areas where with just a little effort to make at least four showers usable and a tosh over with some paint would transform a poor experience after the round into one that could retain some of the shine of the day, but all in all the day is an inexpensive day of good golfing activity and worth the trip.

Paul Hartley.Paul Hartley.

Paul Hartley stunned his playing partners and the rest of the field as his prodigious drives throughout the day, most of which found the fairways, proved to be the difference as he even made the green in two on three of the par fives, and although he followed up with three putts on all of them, it still awed the single handicapper who was trying to match him for distance throughout the day.  When the cards were tallied Paul took first place as he was found to be three better than Alan Griffiths, whose relatively slow start was the difference, as they both returned 21 points for the inward half and Alan therefore had to settle for second place.

Returnee Clive Hall took third with a very good one under handicap and a better count back of 21 to 19 to deny newcomer Ryan McGregor third spot, leaving Alan Pilkington back in fifth two points worse off and Bruce Kusyk in sixth on two over.

Phil Groves.Phil Groves.

There were no 2’s in the second division but Bruce Kusyk made up for just missing out for the main prizes by slotting home the lone one in the first division.

Before presenting the prizes Stephen Beard welcomed new member Ryan McGregor and also welcomed back Clive Hall, John Wood and Phil Stevenson.

Friday, March 6, Rayong Country Club – Stableford

CSS 72

1st Phil Groves (8) 35pts

2nd Rod Crosswell (14) 33pts

3rd Paul Hartley (18) 31pts

4th Peter Wiltshire (13) 29pts

With another holiday scheduled it was off to one of the regular venues for an inexpensive day when most of the courses set weekend green fee prices that are in many cases almost double the normal ones.  Unfortunately the more reasonably priced courses are always well attended on these days, which usually makes for a slow round.

The group from Soi 13 was particularly unlucky on this occasion as a five-ball slipped out in front of the first group.  To add to the problem they were playing from the blue tees when their golfing abilities indicated that they would be more suited to the red tees.  But these are things that are to be expected on busy days and need to be taken on with good humour.

Having been shown the way to drive earlier in the week, Phil Groves returned to the top of the podium with a solid one over round that was easily the best of the day by two points and should, could and would have been even better if the putter had been working as usual, but the back nine rather slipped away after a good below handicap outward nine.

Rod Crosswell was the nearest challenger who turned up the heat after an extremely slow start that saw just 13 points recoded when he came back in two under to take second place.

Paul Hartley suffered a reaction to his great round on Monday as he slipped back some ten shots worse but on a low scoring day still managed to snag third place ahead of new comer Peter Wiltshire by two.

With the difficult pin placings it was unsurprising that there were no 2’s in either division.

Before the presentations were made there was a welcome for new member Peter Wiltshire and a farewell for Rod Crosswell.

Note:  If you would like to play with The Haven group, you can contact mobile 082 219 0965 or call in to The Haven Hotel, at 185 Soi 13, between Beach Road and 2nd Road.  All transportation to the course is arranged and you do not need to sign up prior to the day, but you should be there by 8.30 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on the days you wish to play.  A schedule of courses to be played can be found on our web site at