Parish plays a blinder


The Tropical Golf Group

Tuesday, Oct. 18, Pattana B & A – Stableford

We had a really good turnout for this day as all who play here enjoy not only a great course and venue, but also a really good rate.  The question was would the course be in the great shape it usually is or would it be a bit soggy.

Brian Parish (right) with Dick Warberg.
Brian Parish (right) with Dick Warberg.

It was a nice day with a fair bit of sun but even after 18 holes we were not sure what instructions were given to the caddies regarding carts on the course.  Different caddies seemingly had different ideas.

The course was in fine condition but was a bit dampish also.  The fairways were well grassed while the rough tended to be long and wet, so get in there and it was difficult getting out.  The greens were in good order, probably a little soft but still rolling fast.

Round over it was a shower, a quick bite to eat and into cars for the trip back to BJ’s where it was soon into the results.

In the A Flight, 0 to 16, the winner was Tommy Marshall with 39 points ahead of a three-way count back on 36 points that saw John Davis in second, Mashi Kaneta in third and Brian Parish just missing out.

In the B Flight, 17 upwards, the winner was Barry Elphick with 39 points with Alex Field in second with 37 and Jim Ferris taking third with 36.

Near Pins: Brian Parish, Bob Watson (2), Walter Baechli.

Friday, Oct. 21, Pattavia – Stableford

A full roster of 24 golfers signed up for the trek out to Pattavia, about the longest drive on the rotation, and every time we ask “Is it worth it”?,  and every time the answer is “Yes”.  The course was in good shape overall today, especially the fairways.  It’s an interesting layout too.  Greens would be described as “fair”, and even though in need of improvement they were certainly playable.

Such a good course with good grass is an invitation to score and score people certainly did!  Didn’t make or break your handicap?  Well then sit down and listen to other names, and applaud on cue.

Posting the best points score of the day was Brian Parish (c/h 16) with a stellar 42 points to win A-Flight.  Visitor Guy Stewart (17) came next on count-back with 41 points over the returning Max Scott (7).

Tommy Marshall & Barry Elphick.
Tommy Marshall & Barry Elphick.

In B-Flight (19+), Dick Warberg (21) continued his fine form with 37 points, followed by Daryl Evans (26) on count-back over Don Carmody (30), both with 36 points.

Near Pins:  Tom Herrington, John Pierrel, Mike Johns, Bob Watson.

Long Putt:  Brian Parish.