PAGS all systems go at Pattavia


134 players gathered at Pattavia Chonburi on the last Wednesday of the month, Feb. 25, for the 2nd PAGS Tournament of 2015.  If there was any disappointment in the turnout, it was that there were only a small number of ladies participating, but we are confident that will improve over the upcoming events.

Once again there were some fine scores turned in, along with some sparkling individual efforts for the technical prizes available on each hole.  PAGS has been blessed of late with the weather, and this day was no exception as clear skies, and a light steady breeze to keep the humidity in check.  The course was in good condition, with smooth, running fairways, and the greens not at their devilish pace they can be, which meant no excuses and plenty of compliments.

Bob Watson (centre) was a multiple winner on the day.Bob Watson (centre) was a multiple winner on the day.

With all due respect to the flight winners, Bob Watson was the star of the day as he picked up the maximum 2 technical prizes, with another handed back to go in the lucky draw pool, a placing in the A flight net scores and the coveted Low Gross with 73.

Jonny Lindberg continued to enhance his reputation, winning both long drives in the 55–64 age bracket, with what must have been some good uns.

The Ladies winner was Angelien Roovers (H/cap 20) with 33 points, a slightly modest score when compared to those the ladies were posting late last year.

C Flight, for 19+ handicappers, was won by John Kelly (27) with a score of 41 points, with Nick Creasey (28) in second on 36 and third spot was decided on count back, Erik Reginiussen 18 points (back 9) beating Bernt Boden with his back 9 of 15.

In the B flight (13–18) it was Reijo Heiskanen (18) winning with the day’s best return of 42 points.  No count backs were required to separate the minor placings, which went to Bill Peach (18) who recorded 41 points in second while John Anderson (16) got third with a solid 39.

Gerd Riedler (centre) was the winner of A- Flight.Gerd Riedler (centre) was the winner of A- Flight.

In the A flight (0–12) it was a tightly contested affair requiring a count back to decide the top of the podium.  After all the calculations were done it was Gerd Riedler (10) getting the nod over Bob Edwards (11) after both signed for 39 points; Gerd having the superior back 9 of 22 points to Bob’s 19.  Bob Watson (3), the day’s Low Gross winner, added to his prizes by getting third spot with his 38 points.

Dave from the Sportsman putts out aided by the Food Panda.Dave from the Sportsman putts out aided by the Food Panda.

Once again the catering crew, led by Dave, did their part, feeding the players and guests prior to the prize giving, and I am sure all were pleased with the array of food, which included some tasty party pies this month.

We all look forward to the next PAGS monthly at Emerald on 25th March.  Note the date, and contact Shane early on 086 372 0084 to ensure your preferred tee time.