O’Flynn wows ‘em at St. Andrews


The Billabong Bar Golf Group

Monday, Oct. 28, Treasure Hill – Stableford

Just a small field today at Treasure Hill and whilst it in not in very good condition (as can be judged from the scores) it was still playable, even if only just.  It must be said that all courses have to do maintenance but it would do them proud here to charge a little less in fees.  It is a long drive to this course but it’s one we won’t be taking for some time. 

Now back to the day’s golf and it was great to see Chris Dodd back in town and taking first place with a fine 29 points.  It was a tough day at the office for all players today and in second was Owen Walkley with 28 points and the scores went from there to a fantastic 20 points coming in last place.

Helmut Hebstriet, Gary, Owen Walkley and John O’Flynn.Helmut Hebstriet, Gary, Owen Walkley and John O’Flynn.

There were no ‘2’s recorded but a very close try from one golfer.

Wednesday, Oct. 30, St. Andrews – Stableford

Playing St. Andrews today instead of Green Valley and what a pleasure it was.  It’s been a long time since the scribe has played here and it showed in his score with a few lost balls, a few missed putts and viola – out of the game.  However, there were some great scores coming in.

We welcomed John O’Flynn to the Billabong today, playing his first game with us and what a player this man is.  Five under gross is not bad at all around this course.

One card was handed in to the Capt. with only one score on it – 2 for 3 on the tenth.  It must have been a great day out for that man but at least he got something for his trouble.

There was a two way count back for seventh place between Mal Farquharson and Orn Marney with Mal getting the nod after both carded 35 points each.  Sixth place was taken by Paul Bourke on 36, losing out on count back to Murray Hart, while fourth place was garnered by Bill Peach with his 37 points.

Ted Morris, Chris Dodd and Gary Hogg.Ted Morris, Chris Dodd and Gary Hogg.

So to the top three and in third was the ‘Sugar Man’ Ray Handford with a fine 39 points while the runner-up spot went to John O’Flynn, playing off scratch and shooting five under off the stick.  What a fantastic round!  That would normally have taken the top prize but alas it was not to be as Owen Walkley had a day out to remember, playing off his 11 handicap and poaching 43 points to take the tournament.

There were three ‘2’s today coming from Helmut Hebstriet, Owen Walkley and Wayne Cotterell.

Friday, Nov. 1,Crystal Bay – Stableford

Crystal Bay was the venue today and apart from one of our avid golfers it all went smoothly.  Just Mal went the wrong way due to his GPS telling him to go through every town on Sukhumvit Road, but he did make it on time.

With four groups playing we all got away on time in fine sunny weather and there were one or two who walked and found the going a little hot at times. The course was in good condition with the greens running fast and true.

The scores were something else again, with 36 taking out third place for Ted Morris while second went to Gary Hogg with a fine 39 points.  In first place was Chris Dodd with a magnificent 42 points, a great round of golf mate that should help the handicap.

There was one ‘2’ coming from Wayne Cotterell, and one lip-out from John Davis, sorry mate, they don’t count!

Note:  The Billabong Bar is situated just off Siam Country Club Road looking straight down Lake Mabprachan.  Give Bob a call on 082 204 3411.  All golfers welcome.