Newell & Duthie conquer Kabinburi


PSC golf from The Golf Club

Monday, July 16, Green Valley (white tees) – Stableford

A Flight

1st Ian Smith (12) 39pts

2nd Bob Watson (3) 39pts

3rd Grant Cadell (16) 38pts

B Flight

1st Mick Beresford (18) 39pts

2nd Jerry Garcia (21) 33pts

3rd Ken LivingDolls (20) 32pts

Thirty-six golfers set out with us today for our regular Monday venue at Rayong Green Valley.  This is a strong turnout for low season and we were rewarded with stunning weather after last week’s rains. The course was in tip-top shape and they are finally just about finished with the new cart paths.  There has been lots of maintenance here of late and the hard work of the greenskeeping staff is starting to show.

Visiting Australians Ian Smith and Bob Watson continued their good form this Monday as they both carded best-of-show 39’s with gentleman Ian squeaking by on “the dreaded count back” for first place.  Local Canadian Grant Cadell kept us in the frame for Pattaya’s finest golfers with 38 points.  Another local Mashi Kaneta was just out with his 38 and also losing out on that cruel count back.

Bob Watson, Dale Shier, Micky “V” Beresford and Ian Smith.Bob Watson, Dale Shier, Micky “V” Beresford and Ian Smith.

In the B Flight, it was good to see our big buddy with a big heart Mikey Frizzell back in town (yes, Lefty is his uncle) to add to the high jinks with Ken from Living Dolls (the best go-go on Walking Street) joining us and taking 3rd place honours.  Jerry (Grateful he’s not dead) Garcia was second just behind Micky Beresford with a stomping 39 points, just as good as the low handicappers.  Well done Mick!  But why does Dale torment you so?

Tuesday, July 17 & Wednesday July 18 – Kabinburi Sport Club (white tees)

Day 1 (Singles)

1st John McHugh (10) 37pts

2nd Simon Philbrook (6) 35pts

3rd Rich Moore (15) 34pts

Day 2 (2-Man BB Rainbow)

1st Bob Newell & Tony Duthie 42pts

2nd Ed Wyckoff & Rich Moore 40pts

Road Trip time once again and this event took place just 2 hours 10 minutes up the 331-304 to Kabinburi Sports Club.  This is a very well maintained course with perfect fairways, huge greens and ever-improving bunkers, and grows on you every time you play it.  They have added many new but large trees here to add to the beauty and challenge so be prepared for more obstacles on your next round.  Kabinburi was designed by Yoshikazu Kato who also did the layouts for Blue Canyon Phuket and locally, Treasure Hills so you will see his signature crocodile here as well.

Front Row: Kabinburi winners John McHugh, Tony Duthie and Bob Newell.Front Row: Kabinburi winners John McHugh, Tony Duthie and Bob Newell.

Day 1 was the singles comp, an individual Stableford, and was won by our own TGC partner, big hitting John McHugh!  Johnny is just coming into form, so that must mean it’s time to get back on the rig and not pick up a club for 28 days … interesting training concept.

Founding member Simon Philbrook took 2nd, but it was the first time Si played here and he loved it.  Bangkok buddy Rich Moore played well enough to squeeze out smooth swinging Paul Smith for third place on this rain free outing.  Big thanks go out to Bob Newell for picking up the clipboard yet again and running the show for us on this trip.

Everyone ended up winning, as the Kantary Hotel is the best retreat on our schedule.  Their golf package includes 1 night hotel with breakfast and 2 green fees for 2,800 baht and that is hard to beat.  The hotel is a strong 4-star plus facility, with large rooms, a great pool and gym and the best restaurant in town.  It would be nice if we would get to spend more time in those great rooms there!

Day 2 was the 2-Man BB Rainbow.  For this format a yellow-white-blue tee rotation was chosen, as the reds were just too short.  This was a fun day out as we picked the teams the night before during the consumption of large quantities of adult beverages back at the “Cowboy Bar” across from the hotel.

The draw was tense, and when Bob Newell blind-picked Tony Duthie, he was all groans.  Tony had a rough day and only ended up with 15 points, so Bob wasn’t expecting much.  As it ended up, Tony and Bob were the perfect partnership and ham & cheesed it all through the day to finish on top.  Perhaps carrying on until 3:00 AM for the both of them was also their secret weapon, a strategy that could only work for this crazy game of golf we torture ourselves with.

Rich Moore was on the podium once again as he teamed up with Ed Wyckoff to join forces for 2nd place.  Thanks to all for making this yet another great road trip and another great week of golf.

Note:  The Golf Club is located on Soi LK Metro.  We play on Monday, Wednesday and Friday so come join us for a seriously fun day out.  Just call 085 434 3377 or see our website and for more information mail us: [email protected] and see updates at www.