Mike and Sue top Mixed Doubles League


The Coco Club Lawn Bowling Mixed Doubles League drew to a conclusion on Tuesday 21st August and after some hard fought matches over the last two months, Margaret and Johnny Mac came in as worthy runners up with some great games but they were unable to catch the unbeaten pair of Mike and ‘Coco’ Sue.

The new league starts on the 4th September and new players are always welcome.  Coco’s Birthday tournament takes place on Sunday 23rd September, with 32 players already registered, for a fun and long day with presentation tee shirts, buffet, band and dancing.  Pop in and see us before the 7th September to play or call Sue on 087 135 8357.

Mixed Doubles League winners and runners-up pose with their trophies. Mixed Doubles League winners and runners-up pose with their trophies.